I can’t exactly remember when my feelings started to change about western medicine. It started small, as it always does, and grew to me signing up to learn Integrative Medicine. Im still learning. Its a lot. I think there were little things at first. I had a woman who knew how to do foot zones. Within seconds she knew the last time I went to the bathroom, how many days ago my period was, and that I had hearing damage in one of my ears. I didn’t know this woman from Adam. I was an instant believer. I took her advice and looked for someone permanent in my area, as she was just visiting. I had mentioned in another post about amber teething necklaces. I think the biggest thing that turned me in another direction was when I was diagnosed with diabetes.

I had been a nurses assistant for years. I had always been grateful that diabetes was something I never had to worry about getting. It doesn’t run in my family and I am healthy. I don’t eat perfect, but I eat pretty good, especially for an American. I also was always physically active. It just didn’t make sense. decided to see a well renowned doctor in my area. What he told me really opened my eyes and sent me down a rabbit hole. He gave me a brief history on Western Medicine.

I think that we go without knowing how much we can really help ourselves. I wanted to tell you about Wisdom. There is a lot of education and a lot of checking labs that traditional doctors don’t check. There are also a lot of over the counter supplements that can help without the harmful side effects of pharmaceuticals. With that, let me introduce you to Wisdom. https://wisdommedicine.com/?ref=rachel Wisdom spends good one on one time to get to the bottom of your symptoms to solve the problem. Your knowledgeable provider will start to become your friend. While they specialize in a lot of female issues, they do also work with a lot with chronic and autoimmune issues. While I believe men can do a great job, I do love that Wisdoms providers are all women. To me, they can really understand my female issues.

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