As a mom of 7, I always give new moms my favorite things that I loved with a new one. I think I decorated my first baby’s room but after that, I just didn’t see the point. I was never a house on display kind of person. Its cold to me. I want my house to look lived in. Warm. What doesn’t mean its messy, though we have 7 kids messy definitely happens. Ironically, my husband tells me, “It looks like kids live here! And they do!” He tells me that as I heal from my religious upbringing I will accept the state of the house more. “It doesn’t have to be perfect and presentable just because some one is coming over!” Mmmm, I love that guy.
Now, my babies are gapped! Like, the oldest is 24 and the youngest is 13 months. So birth and the time right after was all very different for so many of them. My oldest, I don’t think, had any of these favorite things. Poor guy!
We all hate a sick baby. Its hard for them to breath which is worse because it makes eating for them so much harder. I swear by saline flushes. Even for older kids and adults. I get this saline spray and spray it up each nostril and let it set for a minute or two. Then I go in with the nosfrida and suck it all out! Yes, suck it out by the tube! I know it sounds gross and even though there is a sponge on the end of the tube to prevent snot from ever entering your mouth, some moms can’t do it. And I get that too. I feel like it works SO WELL! Its also absolutely insane the amount of snot that can come out of them! I will then add sliced onions to the bottom of their feet and put socks on.

At the time of this original post, I am not an affiliate of anything. These products can be found at major retail stores or even amazon, my go-to.
Being a new mom is scary and you want to do everything right. One thing that is such a conspiracy is vaccines. Now hear me out with this book. Its not pro or anti vaccine. Thats why I like it so much. I feel like its full of a wealth of information. It goes through each vaccine and discusses what is in them and the reason they were added to the schedule. It goes over the timing of things. This book I have only seen on Amazon.

Next favorite thing, muslin blankets. Oh they are so soft and when you get the thin ones they double as such a nice cover up for breastfeeding in the summer time. I am one of those moms that brestfed on the go with the other kids. School events, Disneyland, parades, zoo, you name it I was feeding that baby in public and the breathable material helped so much! I also used them as my burp cloths. Went through these a lot. Never had enough!

The next two kind of go together. Having a baby isn’t easy. Teething adds to the chaos. I know this sounds totally “hippie” and I am not gonna lie, it kind of started me on a “crunchy” path, Amber teething necklaces. I put them on the girls and I put them on the boys. They wear them for years! They don’t chew on them but amber itself is suppose to be anti inflammatory. I knew senior citizens that swore it helps with their arthritis. I swear, it helped my babies. In reality, does it really matter if its placebo effect? Not to me with this. We all got more sleep, and who doesn’t need that?

My teething babies also loved silicone straws. I always had some around. They would just chew and chew on them. Very affordable!

Last but not least, I love these socks! They are just so cute! My kids probably don’t wear shoes until they are 18 -24 months and even then its the soft leather ones to start. From ballet slippers to converse shoes…so cute!

I try to include something small for sweet mama and if your in my inner circle, there is probably a quilt in your gift basket from me too.